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political football

political football

  WHAT IS POLITICAL FOOTBALL? “Political football” is a metaphor describing when a non-political or non-partisan issue is seized by opposing political parties and turned into a partisan issue. The...

political football

  WHAT IS POLITICAL FOOTBALL? “Political football” is a metaphor describing when a non-political or non-partisan issue is seized by opposing political parties and turned into a partisan issue. The...

a tale of two Al Jazeeras

a tale of two Al Jazeeras

WHO IS AL JAZEERA? Al Jazeera is Qatari-state owned media and the largest media platform in the Middle East. In other words, most of the news that comes out of...

a tale of two Al Jazeeras

WHO IS AL JAZEERA? Al Jazeera is Qatari-state owned media and the largest media platform in the Middle East. In other words, most of the news that comes out of...

go back to...Poland?

go back to...Poland?

  When my father was a boy in Poland, streets of Europe were covered with graffiti, "Jews, go back to Palestine." When my father revisited Europe 50 years later, the walls...

go back to...Poland?

  When my father was a boy in Poland, streets of Europe were covered with graffiti, "Jews, go back to Palestine." When my father revisited Europe 50 years later, the walls...

9/11 antisemitic conspiracies

9/11 antisemitic conspiracies

  INTRODUCTION  Antisemitism is like a virus that mutates to survive in any given environment. This means that antisemitic conspiracies are ever-evolving — even if they do keep recycling the...

9/11 antisemitic conspiracies

  INTRODUCTION  Antisemitism is like a virus that mutates to survive in any given environment. This means that antisemitic conspiracies are ever-evolving — even if they do keep recycling the...

Munich Massacre

Munich Massacre

  WHO WAS BLACK SEPTEMBER? In the aftermath of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Jordan illegally annexed Judea and Samaria to Jordan and renamed it the West Bank, referring to the...

Munich Massacre

  WHO WAS BLACK SEPTEMBER? In the aftermath of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Jordan illegally annexed Judea and Samaria to Jordan and renamed it the West Bank, referring to the...

is anti-Zionism anti white supremacy?

is anti-Zionism anti white supremacy?

  WHAT IS WHITE SUPREMACY? White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to all other races and should thus dominate them.  Contemporary white supremacist ideology stems from...

is anti-Zionism anti white supremacy?

  WHAT IS WHITE SUPREMACY? White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to all other races and should thus dominate them.  Contemporary white supremacist ideology stems from...